
Karen has 2 decades of clinical experience working in areas of diagnostics, oncological therapy and research in the public sector, and 8 years in pathology collection for the private sector.

Since first becoming a parent in 1997, Karen has been nurturing 3 creative offspring, each with unique gifts and challenges from neurodivergences of SLD, Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia, LGBTQIA+, ADHD, SPD, Dyslexia including late diagnoses of Autism and ADHD (missed due to high masking), with subsequent co-occurring complex mental health trauma of GAD, Panic Disorder, PTSD, Autistic Burnout and chronic illness. Life was further complicated by parenting adolescents through grief from young traumatic loss. Since leaving her public sector career in 2005, she has been advocating for her family against ableist societal systems and stigmas, in a world not set up for them to thrive.

When exploring up to date knowledge of ADHD after late diagnosis of 2 of her young adult children, and while simultaneously seeking support for menopause, Karen discovered her own AuDHD identity. Attending the Melbourne ADHD conference in April 2022, she met and was inspired by Lou Kuchel’s keynote address; the late founder of Square Peg Round Whole. After binge listening to Lou’s podcast over the next week, a lightbulb went off, suddenly her own struggles made sense. She has been advocating for system changes in education with SPRW ever since.

For much of her parenting journey Karen felt isolated. Since recognising her AuDHD, she has been on a new path of learning and healing, rewriting the narratives of her youth, looking back with a new lens at multi-generational trauma, medical gaslighting, mis-diagnoses and interventional trauma within her family of origin. She is determined to share her story to advocate for change.

At Noblekinnections, our mission is to contribute from lived and living experience. Our strengths lie in holding space for others to talk through life’s struggles, identify priorities, set goals, search for better understandings of the complexity of lived experience of trauma from a biopsychosocial perspective. We work to empower you, as a peer, to re-write narratives that do not serve you and to seek the help that does. Whatever you face and wherever you are at, Noblekinnections offers Peer Mentorship, to collaborate and problem solve alongside you, step by step, or toe by toe, at your own pace.

In founding Noblekinnections, Karen is determined to contribute an understanding of the neurodiversity paradigm and systems trauma to the Education, Health and Mental Health, Allied Health and Aged Care industries, by sharing knowledge and experience, from a neuroaffirming mindset. We offer Lived and Living Experience Consulting, both from insights gained through trauma recovery as a consumer, as a parent, as a carer and from experience as a health professional.


  • Diploma of Applied Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology- RMIT University

  • Certificate IV in Pathology Collection- Kangan Institute


Continuing Professional/Personal Development

I have sought to educate myself as I mined my new passion: Neurodiversity. (This is not an exhaustive list, I can’t always remember all the rabbit-holes I’ve been down, no wonder I’m always so tired).

I don’t just skim content, I tend to inhale it from start to finish, often via audiobook, sometimes repeat listening’s (invariably while soaking in the bath) though some I need the hard copy to refer back to (often multiple hard-copies as I keep giving books away, info-dumping my joy, or as I like to think of it - paying it forward).

Conferences, Symposia and Summits:

ADHD conference Melbourne By My Spirited Child 2 April 2022

Yellow Ladybugs ADHD and Autistic Minds Conference 7-9 June 2022

Symposium on Autistic Relationships: Communication, Community, Connection By Reframing Autism 18 June 2022

2022 Australian Autism Conference, Melbourne 10 September 2022

Innovations in Autism Education: Neuroinclusive, neuroaffirming schooling Reframing Autism Conference 23-24 Feb 2023

Courses Completed:

Fostering Autistic Wellbeing for Families Course with Reframing Autism 1 August 2022- 21st July 2023

Professional Certificate in Autism Essentials with Reframing Autism - certificate issued 14 August 2024

Collaborative and Proactive Solutions Introductory and Advanced courses with Dr Ross Greene, Melbourne 14th - 15th September 2023

Courses Ongoing/Planned :

Study Group In Hollistic Nervous System Science with Trauma Geek - 14 August- ongoing

Autism and Mental Health MOOC course with Curtin University planned Nov 2024

One Year Training Program in Narrative Therapy and Community Work with Dulwich Centre planned 2025

Webinars and Workshops:

Autism Workshop with NeuroDiversityHub 21st May 2022

Webinar: Interoception & Co-Regulation - Before Self Regulation by Christina Keeble 30th June 2022

Launch Event for Reframing Autisms Free Welcome Pack 3 May 2023

Reframing Autism Community Summit 28 May - 7 June 2024


(In no particular order. * books I have found really helpful, ** particularly profound.)

*‘Beyond Behaviours’ by Mona Delahooke. And then ‘Brain-Body Parenting’

*‘The Explosive Child’ by Ross Greene. And then ‘Lost At School’

‘Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder’ By Judith Gould and Sarah Hendrickx

*‘Neurotribes’ by Steve Silberman (heavy going but very helpful at understanding the history)

*Unmasking Autism’ by Devon Price. And more recently ‘Laziness Does Not Exist’ and **‘Unlearning Shame’ (AMAZING!!! Thank you KJ:-))

‘Aspergirls’ By Rudy Simone

‘22 Things a Woman with Asperger’s Syndrome Wants Her Partner to Know’ by Anthony Attwood and Rudy Simone

‘Temple Grandin’ By Sy Montgomery

‘The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome’ By Tony Attwood

**‘Neuroqueer Heresies’ By Dr Nick Walker (fabulous for learning about the neurodiversity paradigm and getting the terms right)

*Punished by Rewards’ By Alfie Kohn

*‘The Body Keeps the Score’ By Bessel van der Kolk

*‘When the Body Says No’ By Gabor Mate

*‘The Molecule of More’ by Daniel Z Lieberman MD and Michael E Long

*‘How Emotions Are Made’ By Lisa Feldman Barrett

*‘The ADHD Effect on Marriage’ By Melissa Orlov

‘The Dance of Anger’ By Harriet Lerner

**‘Fierce Self-Compassion’ By Kristen Neff. And then ‘Self Compassion’

‘The Way Out’ By Alan Gordon and Alon Ziv

‘Ten Steps to Nanette’ By Hannah Gadsby

‘How to Meet Your Self’ By Dr Nicole LePera. And then ‘How to Do the Work’. And **‘How to Be the Love You Seek’

*‘Four Thousand Weeks’ By Oliver Burkeman

*‘Women Who Run With The Wolves’ by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Articles and other links:

There are many, but here are a few that stood out and helped me understand myself better.













Square Peg Round Whole Podcast series By Louise Kuchel (binged  May’21- Apr‘22 over 14 days, then in real-time, Vale Louise Kuchel, you were generous beyond words)

Huberman Lab (not in its entirety though I was down this rabbit-hole for a while)

The Neurodivergent Woman

The Reframing Autism Podcast

Anomolous By Em Rusciano

Self-Advocacy and wellbeing:

For me - Submission to the Disability Royal Commission on behalf of myself and my family (67 pages) 23rd October 2022.

Navigating the services and providing detailed history to multiple health professionals while unpacking and working towards improving my overall wellness. Including: GP’s x 3, Endocrinologist, Rheumatologist x 3, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Cardiologist, Exercise Physiologist, Dietitian, Optometrist, ENT specialist, Integrative GP, OT.

Other - Navigating the seeking of a formal diagnosis and NDIS application for my youngest along with the ongoing search for Neuroaffirming service providers to support his transition into adulthood.

Systems Advocacy:

Joining the SPRW facebook parent group begun by Lou Kuchel off her podcast- Helping to get the SPRW Victorian chapter established. May 2022- present day

Multiple letters to Education Ministers in Victoria on behalf of SPRW

Contributor of lived experience story to National SPRW submissions to: state and federal inquiries

Co-author of the SPRW submission to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into the State Education System 30 Nov 2023

Research Participation:

Autism Research Today focus group. Interview coordinated by postdoctoral researcher Hannah Rapaport along with colleagues Dr Diana Tan and Ms Tori Haar through Macquarie University Sydney 10th February 2023


Neurokindred: co facilitation of ‘Age of Valour’ and ‘Blaze of Glory’ Peer Groups.

Facilitating in Neurokindred’s Thriving Autistically On-line Event for Mental Health Week 6-13 October 2024
